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100 Theatre Quotes For Thespians and Theatre Enthusiasts

100 Theatre Quotes For Thespians and Theatre Enthusiasts


Theatre fans will tell you there is a bit of magic that comes together with a theatre production—as you will see from these theatre quotes. Of course, there are also a few quotes from people who aren’t fans (I know, it is hard to imagine). There are many pieces that go into putting together a theatre production.

There is the imagination required for a good story, casting, lighting, costume, and stage direction. When each of these comes together flawlessly, the audience has a chance to escape reality for a bit and watch something transpire on the stage in front of them.

Adding music to a theatre production makes it even better! Of course, I suppose there are people who aren’t fans of musicals… According to, the best theatre productions of the 21st century were: Jerusalem, Hamilton, and The Children. Theatre has been around longer than the 21st century, though, and its history is fascinating!

Don’t forget to also check out these famous movie quotes from your favorite characters. If you enjoy this article, check out our most popular quote article, a list of short inspirational quotes for daily motivation. Browse our entire collection of inspirational quotes for more motivating ideas and concepts.

Inspiring theatre quotes 1. “There’s no real theatre without taking risks.” — Haris Pasovic

2. “It’s communication – that’s what theatre is all about.” — Chita Rivera

You will also enjoy our article on rumor quotes. 3. “In the end I think theatre has only one subject: justice.” — Edward Bond

You will also enjoy our article on bridgerton quotes. 4. “Great theatre is about challenging how we think and encouraging us to fantasize about a world we aspire to.” — Willem Dafoe

You will also enjoy our article on preparation quotes. 5. “I never studied theatre; I learned it by doing it. If I had studied theatre, I would not be making the kind of theatre I am making.” — Robert Wilson


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